Tasks are the units of work that learners will complete. They are assigned to one or more courses. There are two types of tasks: Reading Material and Question.

We will understand both the task types and walk through all the features of the task creator in this page.

Reading Material

Courses typically consist of both learning content and assessment. Reading Material tasks are used to add learning content to a course. You can add any material that you want to be read by the learner before they take an assessment as a Reading Material task.


Question tasks are used to assess the learner’s knowledge. You will notice that there are a lot of settings to configure the question. We will walk through all of them later in this page.

Provide custom context

You can create tasks with context specific to your course that may not be publicly available and hence, AI won’t have any existing knowledge of it. For example, you might have proprietary information that you want to assess the learner’s knowledge on but which is not available on the internet. Once you provide the context, AI can generate the correct answer based on that context and give appropriate feedback as well.

Input type

A task can accept user input in different formats.


If you set the input type to Text, the learner will be able to enter a text response. This has been covered in the videos above. For tasks with input type Text, you can set the AI response type to any of Chat, Report or Exam (explained in the next section).


If you set the input type to Audio, the learner will be able to record their response in audio format. AI analyses a learner’s speech to gather insights on their clarity, pronunciation, confidence, grammar and other aspects that you define at the time of task creation.

For tasks with input type Audio, you can only set the AI response type to Report (explained in the next section). This is because tasks with AI response type as Chat and Exam require a reference answer to be provided and we currently don’t support that for audio input. Instead, you can provide a scoring rubric using which AI will provide a report to the learner as explained in the Report section.


If you set the input type to Coding, the learner will be able to write code in a code editor in a language that you choose during task creation. For tasks with input type Coding, you can set the AI response type to any of Chat, Report or Exam (explained in the next section).

We support the following coding languages:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • NodeJS
  • Python
  • React
  • SQL

You can select one or more compatible languages for a task. E.g. you can select HTML, CSS and Javascript as the coding languages for a task that requires the learner to use all of them.

Code Preview

For each language, students can see a preview of their code by clicking on the Run Code button.

If the coding language for your task is Python and the expected code requires taking user inputs, learners are asked to provide the inputs when they run their code.


You can add tests to your Python-based coding tasks. First, you need to decide the number of inputs that each test case will take. Then, you can add the test cases. Each test case will have an input, expected output and an optional description. You can even use AI to generate the test cases. These test cases are run every time the learner runs their code.

AI response type


For tasks with AI response type as Chat, AI will act as a coach to the learner and ask them questions to nudge them to think for themselves instead of giving away the answers.

These tasks require a reference answer to be provided that will be compared with the learner’s answer to provide feedback. You can use AI to generate the reference answer if you don’t one.

You can set the AI response type to Chat for tasks with any input type.


For tasks with AI response type as Report, AI will provide a report to the learner based on the scoring criteria provided by you. Each scoring criterion is defined by 3 parameters:

  • Name: The name of the criterion.
  • Description: The description of the criterion. Here you can define the criteria that you want AI to assess the learner on.
  • Score: The score for the criterion displayed to the learner. You can set the maximum and minimum score for the criterion. AI will provide a score to the learner based on how well they have done on the criterion.

You can set the AI response type to Report for tasks with any input type. But tasks with input type Audio can only have Report as the AI response type.


For tasks with AI response type as Exam, AI will simply state if the learner’s answer is correct or not without coaching them.

Similar to Chat, these tasks require a reference answer to be provided that will be compared with the learner’s answer to provide feedback. You can use AI to generate the reference answer if you don’t one.

You can set the AI response type to Exam for tasks with any input type.

Assign Tags

You can assign one or more Tags to a task while creating it. You can see the tags a task is assigned to in the Tasks page.

Group under a milestone

You can assign a Milestone to a task either while creating a task or after a task is created. You can see the milestone a task is assigned to in the Tasks page.

Assign to courses

You can add tasks to a course either while creating a task or after a task is created. You can see the tasks in a course in the course page.

Order tasks in a course

Bulk upload tasks

You can create multiple tasks at once by uploading a CSV file. If you choose to provide Custom Context, that context will be used for all the tasks.

The CSV file should have the following columns:

  • Name: The name of the task.
  • Description: The description of the task.
  • Tags: The tags to be assigned to the task (comma-separated, e.g. tag1,tag2,tag3)

If the AI response type is set to Exam or Chat, you can also provide a reference answer for each task by adding a Answer column. If you don’t provide a reference answer, AI will generate answers for each task. You can review those answers and edit them if needed.

Editing tasks

Delete a task

To delete one or more tasks, you can select the tasks you want to delete and click on the Delete tasks button.