You can manage your cohorts from the Cohorts
tab in the Admin Panel
. All Courses are assigned to one or more cohorts.
Learners are added to a cohort by an admin. A cohort can optionally be divided into groups of learners under a mentor. You can read more about groups, mentors and learners in the Glossary.
Creating a Cohort
Assign courses to a cohort
You can assign courses to a cohort from either the course page as shown in Courses or from the cohort page.
Update cohort name
Add members to a cohort
You can add learners and mentors to a cohort from the cohort page.
Remove members from a cohort
You can remove learners and mentors from a cohort by selecting the corresponding row, beside their email and clicking on the Remove Members
Group learners in a cohort
You can group learners in a cohort under one or more mentors.
Switching cohorts
You can switch between cohorts from the home page.